Stress is an inevitable part of life, providing an energy boost when needed but becoming unhealthy when persisting and overwhelming. Learning healthy techniques for dealing with and alleviating our mental wellness is integral for overall health and wellbeing.
Stress can be beneficial, helping us get things done more efficiently, but chronic and severe stress can take a serious toll on physical health, mental wellbeing, relationships, and our health in general. Long-term stress may even contribute to serious problems such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes; furthermore if you already suffer from depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or anxiety then stress could worsen its symptoms further.
Feeling powerless over your life can be a telltale sign of stress. Learning how to say no, set boundaries, and prioritize yourself are essential steps towards relieving tension and managing anxiety. Sleep well; consume balanced meals; stay physically active – these should all be priorities for wellness – and if these measures prove challenging alone BetterHelp connects you with licensed, accredited therapists who can assist in alleviating these struggles and manage other aspects of your wellbeing.
Stress relief requires change on many fronts; effective solutions include trying to avoid or alter stressors, altering situations and altering reactions or accepting that some circumstances are beyond your control. For instance, instead of fuming over traffic jams as an opportunity, view them as an opportunity to use navigation apps or listen to music that soothes you or simply take some quiet time for yourself – instead view them as opportunities!
Reducing stress is essential to both mental and physical wellness, so if you notice symptoms such as decreased energy, difficulty sleeping or changes in appetite it would be wise to consult a doctor or therapist immediately.
Practice mindfulness to help reduce your stress. Mindfulness meditation focuses on being present, and has been proven to decrease cortisol levels – the hormone associated with stress. There are various methods you can use mindfulness, including guided meditations, yoga poses, journaling or apps on smartphones like Mindful that provide stress reduction. Talking with trusted family or friends may also help, or alternatively you could attend local support groups or online communities for peer support if necessary.